
Mr. Željko Penava Ph.D., assistant professor


Privacy principles

On this page, Mr. Željko Penava Ph.D. is representing a privacy policy that in relation to the visitors of our website completely respects. Mr. Željko Penava Ph.D. is aware of the rights of privacy and strictly adhered to your own privacy.

Generally, the visitor does not have to register or provide any personally identifiable information in order to use this web pages. Is not used any background software or hardware technology that they got an e-mail addresses of visitors or other personal identification information.

On the site is collected only identifiable personal data that the user voluntarily provides. Guest can choose to send their contact information. If the user provides this type of identification data they are used solely for the purpose for which they provided and the information will be stored in accordance with the law. The user can at any time revoke his consent to the possession of their personal information; Mr. Željko Penava Ph.D. will take all necessary measures to ensure that the request immediately implement. I would like to emphasize that using a secure technology and privacy protection programs in order at any time your information on our servers were unsure.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Željko Penava Ph.D. to the e-mail: zpenava[at]

Zagreb, April,20th 2009.

Mr. Željko Penava Ph.D. v.r.

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